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Certificación Ecovadis 2024

Jungheinrich ha obtenido por cuarto año consecutivo el certificado de sostenibilidad EcoVadis Platinum

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Intralogística inteligente

There is a proper solution for every logistics challenge. We, as system suppliers will develop a custom-tailored logistics system for and with you. We will do even more than that: we will implement the system exactly within your strategic needs and budget considerations, as your long-term partner. 

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Storage capacity for more than 18,000 pallets

As general contractor, we built two highly efficient automated pallet silo warehouses made of 1000 tonnes of iron for our customer Continental in Slovakia. The result: Space utilisation at the highest level, increased performance and maximum flexibility for the future. 

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Bohus Norway relies on a ASRS solution

From candles to couches, every item from the huge Bohus furniture range finds its place in the new central warehouse. Perfect interaction between shelving systems, conveyor technology and software guarantees that all products find their way to the customer on time. 

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Automation at Nutkao

Nutkao has achieved significant sales growth with its chocolate nut spreads in recent years. Products have also diversified resulting in new demands on the production processes. Jungheinrich implemented extensive warehouse automation to meet these demands. 

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Efficient 24/7 production at RIKA's warehouse

In the automated production of the sheet components manufacturer RIKA, the interaction between man and machine in the warehouse runs so efficiently that accident rates and incorrect storage have been reduced to a minimum thanks to the use of nine Automated Guided Vehicles of type EKS 215a.

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Intralogistics 4.0 in the commercial vehicle area

In Salzgitter, the employees of MAN Truck & Bus AG are achieving excellent results with an integrated total solution for uninterrupted material flow: Thanks to an interface with the in-house SAP system, the ERC 215a automated stacker truck is ensuring a reliable parts supply in the component plant. 

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A clean concept for the logistics at Kärcher

At its largest and most modern factory, the world market leader for innovative cleaning solutions relies on a future-proof production logistics from Jungheinrich consisting of 17 Automated Guided Vehicles of type 215a with cantilever forks, high lift height and precise sensor technology. 

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Smart logistics in production

The intelligent connection between warehouse and production

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